Saturday, August 27, 2011
This is a SUPER long one!
After Laramie Jubilee Days, I set north for the Sheridan WYO Rodeo. This was the first time I had been to their rodeo, and everyone I talked to told me how great it was going to be! My adventure began before I even got to Sheridan. As I made my way north of Casper, I saw a black Ram dually come up behind me very fast! My first thought was, did the Wyoming Highway Patrol get new vehicles, and was I speeding? As the truck came around me to pass me, I noticed from the corner of my eye, that they had slowed down and were driving beside me. I remembered at that point my name was on the side of my truck, so they were going to know who I was. I quickly glanced at the black Ram beside me to wave, and when I did, I saw it was Kelly Timberman and one of his traveling partners waving at me. It made me feel a bit better knowing at that point I was going to make it to Sheridan following Wyoming’s most well-known Bareback rider. I made it into Sheridan, following the directions of my GPS, “turn left onto…”, but since I hit Sheridan during their “rush hour”, I could not turn left because the town has installed “No Left Turn” signs they turn on during this time of day. I eventually made it left, and headed to my host home, 8 miles outside of town. When I got out to the house, I realized I had no cell service. I was actually a bit relived at this knowing I would have a bit of peace and quiet from this piece of technology I seem to always have with me.
My first night in Sheridan started with the first performance of the Sheridan WYO Rodeo. Tamara Mann gave me some amazing horses to work with during the weekend! She even gave me coaching after the rodeos! After our grand entry, I settled into the back alley to watch the famous Indian Relay Races. Another first for me, and I was amazed! The ability of the riders was remarkable! They took daring leaps from a running horse onto a horse rearing into the air. Kimberly Kuhn, Miss Sheridan WYO Rodeo had to remind me to shut my mouth as it was open wide with awe. At the end of the rodeo, I headed back out to my host home. It was close to midnight by the time I got on the road. I couldn’t find the turn, and my phone had died, but I wouldn’t have had service anyway. I was afraid I was going to have to sleep in my truck that night! But I finally found my way home!
The next morning the queens and I joined a group of children to go fishing. I was so fun and relaxing out at the Eaton Ranch! I miss fishing! After lunch at The Pony, we took a tour of the Tom Balding shop. Tom gave us the tour himself. Such a great sponsor of Miss Rodeo Wyoming! Thank you Tom! We then went and visited RENEW where we made trail mix and bandanas with the residents. The rodeo went great and we even made it back to the house before 11pm! This time, I had Miss Cody Stampede, Bailie Allshouse with me, so if I did get lost, I wouldn’t be alone.
Friday morning was the parade. My parents left Laramie at 3am to make it up there in time for the parade. It was so good seeing them on the sidewalk! After the parade, we met up for pizza at Powder River Pizza. The queens and I then visited some sponsors on Main Street and thanked them for their support. That night was TETWP at the rodeo, so “Pinky” and I got ready and headed for the arena. I was asked to tape an interview for the big screen at the arena, so Bailie and I got to the arena early for my interview. That night, I was in awe still of the Indian Relay Races. Another great night of rodeo!
Saturday morning we were treated like true royalty. We were able to sleep in, and then sit by the pool at the country club. They even donated lunch to us! It was fun getting to know the other queens in such a relaxed setting. Bailie and I then headed back out to the house and got ready for our last night in Sheridan. Again, another absolutely amazing rodeo put on by Ike Sankey and the Sheridan WYO Rodeo Committee!! They also become a sponsor of Miss Rodeo Wyoming!
On Sunday, Kimberly headed south to Colorado Springs, CO for the Miss Rodeo America Seminar, so I was asked to carry the America Flag at the polo game. I had never watched polo before, and I tried to understand what was going on, but I think I will have to watch a few more matches to actually know what is happening. While at the polo game, my mom’s camera got super hungry and ate all of the pictures she had taken in Sheridan. So if any of you happen to have photos, if you could get them to me that would be awesome!
Thank you Diana Volk for this AMAZING photo!!
Relaxing before the polo game with my dad
I followed Mom and Dad back to Laramie where I was given a few days rest before the long stretch to the finish line. Cheyenne Frontier Days was my next stop. I was there for 7 days and so much happened in those 7 days, I’m afraid I’m going to miss some of it. I stayed at the home of Ester and Daryl Moore. Miss Rodeo Canada joined me the first three days. I arrived in Cheyenne on a Thursday, and it was my job to get Miss Rodeo America and her luggage. Well, she made it to Cheyenne, but with her luck in flying this year, her luggage did not join her in Cheyenne. Later that night, I took her back to the airport so she could great her luggage. Friday we had the Queen’s Luncheon hosted by Amy Berry, Miss Frontier. It was well attended by queens from all over! Saturday was the first parade, and the first time on the Vold’s black horses. We made it through without any huge problems. After lunch we got ready on our horses for the famous Fly Bys. We were all so nervous, making sure we stayed on the right place on the track, not running into the herd of ropers on the other end of the track, and stopping at some point! It was AWESOME!!! The horses knew just want to do! Sonny (one of Vold’s horses) and I ran on that track for 5 days. We were quiet the team! That night we got to watch Jason Alden at the concert. Sunday McKenzie (America) , Kezia (Canada) and I went to cowboy church and then had a few photo opts in the arena. After the rodeo, we all went to Arlene Kensinger’s house for a Taco Johns party. Arlene has so many stories and has done so much in her life, I told her she needs to write a book or make a movie of her life! Great woman! Monday morning was the first pancake breakfast, where I learned how to flip pancakes! We were then invited to the Cowgirls of the West brunch where we watched a portion of the fashion show. Another Fly By and autograph session at the rodeo, and then we watched the bullriding that night. It was a night off much needed. Tuesday was the second parade, and my mom made it to watch. My brother was there too, but he stayed in his office and looked at the window! But I still looked up and waived at him. So much happened in Cheyenne I know I am forgetting stuff, and skipping things, but just know, it was amazing! Wednesday after the pancake breakfast we watched the Thunderbird show. There is NO way I could ride in a plane while they did the things they did! I left Cheyenne Thursday after the parade and come to Laramie. I figured I had two hours to relax at home, and that is what I did. I fell asleep on the couch for an hour and 45 minutes while my mom sat across from me waiting for me to wake up and tell her how Cheyenne went. But when I woke up, I had to leave and head to Rock Springs.
All of the queens at the luncheon!
After the luncheon we went to the museum!
The first parade of CFD!
We helped picked the dancing contest winner with JW!
At the Jason Alden concert
We wore aprons at the pancake breakfast. It's like the knew we would make a mess!
Thunderbird Air Show
I arrived in Rock Springs, home of the Red Desert Round Up and checked into my hotel. My room was a suite! “Pinky” and I met up with Laurie Thoman-Hernandez, queen coordinator. She put me on her horse, Pickle, but I still think that he is Taylor’s, Laurie’s daughter, horse. I was honored to work with Lori and Hank Franzen again of Powder River Rodeo Company. Punkintown and Chad Nicholson entertained the audience, and myself! Laurie let me sleep in on Friday, setting up our first autograph signing at Fremont Dodge in the afternoon. The royalty in Rock Springs were so much fun and really enjoyed representing the rodeo! The rodeo that night supported the troops, and the local guard unit presented the colors. It was overwhelming watching the crowd stand in honor of those who were serving or had served our country. Saturday morning was the parade, and besides one of the queens getting sprayed with silly-string by a stranger, it went well. So well, I even won first place for the mounted category! What a surprise! The queens, Laurie, and I then went to lunch. Again, these girls were so much fun! We went to Boot Barn to sign autographs, but I think we spent more time shopping and shaping hats. It was sad being at the last rodeo in Rock Springs, but I knew I have so much more on my travel list!
"Pinky" and I ready to Rodeo!
Fremont County Royalty and I at Fremont Dodge
Sunday morning I headed to Riverton. But I had to stop in Farson for a “big cone”. It took me almost an hour and a half to eat my ice cream on the porch, but it was so good! I made it to Riverton and checked into my hotel. I joined the members of Powder River Rodeo Company at the ranch rodeo that night to cheer on the team. They were one spot out of the money, but still had a blast!
My first duty in Riverton was signing autographs at my hotel. I was joined by the Fremont County Fair and Rodeo Queen, Jeri Kay Jacobson. This was my first time getting to talk with her. What a doll! That afternoon we had the production meeting and rehearsal. We waited to get onto our horses due to the huge windstorm that rolled through leaving visibility at zero. At the rodeo I carried the America Flag with honor and helped clear the arena during one of the roping events. The Fremont County Fair and Rodeo Royalty has six members and they all had a job. The best part was, they all were excited to do that job and wanted more! Tuesday morning I joined Pam Rivers at the radio station to talk about the royalty program and the events happening at the fair that day. After my autograph session at my hotel, I helped with their royalty clinic. That night was TETWP and “Pinky” and I were ready! I hope Brad at Star of the West Hats understood that when he let me borrow “Pinky” I was going to wear it a lot!
I had a few days of down time after Riverton and before Afton. I thought that since I was near Lander, I would visit my friend Stacie Kline-Thompson, Miss Rodeo Wyoming 2006. Her and her husband just moved there from Washington, and I was excited to see her and spend her birthday (one day late) with her!
Stacie and I at the Miss Rodeo Wyoming 2007 Pageant!
After my R&R, I made the journey to Afton for the Lincoln County Fair and Rodeo. This was my first time ever to that portion of Wyoming. That is one of the coolest things about my job! I get to see new parts of the state! It was absolutely beautiful! The Star Valley is breathtaking! I checking into my hotel and got ready for the rodeo. I met up with my friend Heidi, and she was willing to be my photographer during my stay. Thank you Heidi and Jackie, for taking pictures while I was there! I gave a shortened version of my “T.A.C.K.” program to a few of the royalty members. I then went to meet my horse, who I was told was very well trained. They were right! Kadi Erickson let me borrow her horse, Royal. He was AMAZING! When I wasn’t in the arena, I was in the warm up arena doing reining maneuvers. She thought it was funny how excited I was to be on a horse that could spin, slide, and do all the things a world class reining horse can do! The royalty court did a tribute to the America Flag at the beginning of the rodeo. They all rode with American Flags and performed a drill routine. They are all amazing riders and controlled their horses with grace. I then brought in the large American Flag for the National Anthem. When the #1 Song in the Nation started, I realized that it wasn’t a cd playing, it was the audience singing, and we were in God’s arena, and the angels were lifting the voices! I have only cried twice while in the arena with the American Flag, and this was the second time! Unbelievable! The next day I helped out during the livestock auction. Again, I was amazed by the community! They all joined together to help out a rancher who was severely injured just two days prior to the auction on some baling equipment. That night during the rodeo, “Pinky” and I were joined in the arena by all of the royalty for a “presentation”. As the announcer started speaking, I realized they were honoring ME! They presented me with flowers in the arena during the rodeo. I felt like I should have given flowers to each person who worked putting on the rodeo, to the audience, to the royalty and their director, and to every person I met in Afton! It had been quite a few years since Miss Rodeo Wyoming had been to Afton. I am SO glad I went there! It was amazing, unbelievable, and marvelous!
There were flyers EVERYWHERE about my "T.A.C.K." presentation!!
Royal knew JUST want to do when a camera was there!
The next morning I hit the road for my 6 hour drive home. I spent that time to reflect on my 20 days on the road. I still can’t believe I have been given this opportunity to share the sport of rodeo and the beauty of Wyoming with so many! This year has changed my life, my personality, and my goals. I know that no matter what I do in my life, or where I hang my spurs, the entire state of Wyoming will be my home. It is where my heart found its beat, where my dreams take me at night, and where my life began.
After my long stretch on the race track, I knew I had one last hurdle. I would be crowning Miss Rodeo Wyoming 2012 in a matter of days! I quickly washed my clothes, took my horse to the vet, and packed for the Wyoming State Fair and the Miss Rodeo Wyoming 2012 Pageant in Douglas, Wyoming. We had four incredibly qualified contestants competing for the title, and I was sure glad I didn’t have to judge! It was a quick week for me, but not for the contestants! They were put through two interviews, three rounds of horsemanship, modeling, a “fitness “/dance routine, a speech, numerous impromptu questions, a written test, and two grand entries. It was 5 days of extremely close competition, and on Saturday night, I gladly place the jade and gold crown on the hat of Miss Sheridan WYO Rodeo, Kimberly Kuhn. Here are the full results of the pageant:
Speech: Kimberly Kuhn, Sheridan WYO Rodeo Queen
Knowledge: Kimberly Kuhn, Sheridan WYO Rodeo Queen
Photogenic: Kimberly Kuhn, Sheridan WYO Rodeo Queen
Sales Achievement: Kimberly Kuhn, Sheridan WYO Rodeo Queen
Program Sales: Holly Kennedy, Miss Laramie Jubilee
Scrapbook: Bailie Allshouse, Miss Cody Stampede
Congeniality: Bailie Allshouse, Miss Cody Stampede
Horsemanship: Holly Kennedy, Miss Laramie Jubilee
Personality: Kimberly Kuhn, Sheridan WYO Rodeo Queen
Appearance: Kimberly Kuhn, Sheridan WYO Rodeo Queen
2nd Runner-Up: Desiree Bridges, Miss Teton County Fair and Rodeo
1st Runner-up: Holly Kennedy, Miss Laramie Jubilee
Miss Rodeo Wyoming 2012: Kimberly Kuhn, Sheridan WYO Rodeo Queen
Congratulations to all the girls! You should all be proud of your success that week!

When I got to the fairgrounds on Monday, I took a tour of the Captain USA Monster Truck. The ONLY injury I got all year was a bruised knee from climbing up into the truck! I better go find a tree so I can knock on wood!
The crew went and put on their shirts JUST so we could take a picture!! Great guys!!
Breakfast as Village Inn
Rehearsal for our dance
The Little Miss Contestants
Becky Grimm, Miss Rodeo Nebraska joined us for a few days!
Former Miss Rodeo Wyoming's and Arlene Kensinger
Miss Rodeo Wyoming Sponsor of the Year, Albany County Tourism
I only had a little bit to do with the fact my dad's pockets were empty!
Kimberly and I then headed to Casper to K2 News for her first interview at Miss Rodeo Wyoming. I was happy to join her and get to talk to her one on one about what to expect. She will do a great job at Miss Rodeo Wyoming 2012 when she starts her rein in January.
Me at the News Desk
Kimberly is now working hard getting her coronation scheduled and more information will be posted as soon as details are confirmed. I am also busy planning my send-off party. This is where I will be showing off some of the clothes I will be wearing at the Miss Rodeo America pageant in December down in Las Vegas. Again, when more details are set I will post information. I hope you all can join Kimberly and I as I prepare to represent the state of Wyoming at this national pageant!
I crossed the finished line! My summer has been completed and now my Fall cool down will begin. I will make stops in Cody, Evanston, and Rock Springs before my victory party in Las Vegas. It was quiet a race, and I have become stronger, wiser, and faster because of it!